Do you CARE about the future of HAW CREEK?



To show City Council that HAW CREEK CARES, we need proof! Say NO to Rezoning!


Let Asheville City Council Hear from YOU.

The City Council ULTIMATELY has the final say as to whether this development can proceed. GO TO ALL of the MEETINGS about this development.  By letting them each hear your voice and concerns OFTEN, we have our best opportunity to influence the outcome.

CLICK to get their email/address.

Canvas your block.

We need to get the support of every one of our neighbors.

CLICK if you would be willing to connect with your neighbors directly.

Attend the City Council Meeting

📆April 23, 2024 @ 4 PM

📍Harrah’s Cherokee Center Banquet Hall (Downtown)

CLICK TO RSVP & SHARE THE EVENT. (sign up NOT required for attendance)

Here's what your neighbors are saying. Take Action Above. Power in Number.

As I understand, all of the Burnett property is zone RS-4 which stipulates a density of up to 4 single family units per acre. Because the townhome portion of the development plan exceeds this density, it seems that either a rezoning or variance would have to be granted to construct the townhomes. If this rezoning or variance is not granted and the townhomes are not permitted, the developer’s financial projections would likely not be met. Therefore, if there is a focus on not permitting this portion of the development plan and that is successful, the developer might choose not to proceed.

Concerned Neighbor, anonymous

I have just moved down to Asheville from a small village in upstate NY. Most of my family has settled here. I just purchased a sweet house in Happy Valley with my sister. What we most love about the neighborhood are the beautiful mature trees surrounding us, quiet, friendly neighbors, and so many animals, birds, and bees and butterflies! My sister and I are both avid native gardeners and are committed to responsible land stewardship on our little half acre. The most upsetting part of this development is the imminent clearcutting of mature forest tracts — both the one that connects the land parcel to the Happy Valley neighborhood as well as the tall stands of trees on the ridge above New Haw Creek Rd. Thinking of these tracts of forest being replaced by cramped rows of houses is upsetting and seems so short sighted. Unbroken tracts of trees, shade, and habitat will become more and more valuable to the health of a neighborhood as we get further into the next couple of decades of climate warming and all the associated instability that will result. There are only so many people that can travel and evacuate using a two lane road- this is not a smart development for this neighborhood. Let me know if there is anything I can do to contribute!

Neighbor, Alpine Way

The valley is currently stretched in a variety of ways, including traffic. This development would push it over the edge, negatively impacting the quality of life for all who live here.

Concerned Neighbor, Ozark Spring Lane

I have heard from numerous sources that know this developer well and are quite nervous that he will likely develop the property and then SELL to DR HORTON – America’s Largest Builder of CHEAP GENERIC TRACK HOMES.  This is one of the worst things that could happen to our neighborhood. I will help however I can, and encourage each of my neighbors to do the same.

Concerned Neighbor, anonymous

This 26 acres is a corridor for wildlife, homes would be too close for fire danger, only one way in and out of the valley in case of evacuation, schools and traffic can’t handle the added load that many houses bring, development is not environmentally sound, ancient artifacts will be found in the ground once digging begins, it’s a historic landmark property, cookie cutter cheap builds are an eyesore and will bring in a packed commuter based population and considering how far up the valley this property is, 2 lanes can’t handle that traffic. I think the developer may have also purchased 6 and 8 Alpine Ct so his road can connect up to the quietest / lowest traffic area of Alpine Way.

Concerned Neighbor, Alpine Way

I would love to see a park. East Asheville and haw creek lacks walkable areas for families and children. We need to be able to be outside safely. That’s my top reason. Also traffic, character, nature preservation and the fact that this is a greedy over development. I don’t have any particular skills but I care!

Concerned Neighbor, Sondley Woods

Your Voice Matters in the future of Haw Creek Valley.


The proposed King property redevelopment below (by Kevin & Ken Jackson) will negatively impact the fabric of our community.  Help us maintain the character of the neighborhood you moved to, invested in & call home.

This is our Home.

We ARE Haw Creek!  So let’s work collectively to PRESERVE the community’s beauty, safety and ecology.  Please use this site as a way to let us know YOU are interested in what you can do to halt this proposal before it FOREVER changes our future.

Want to help preserve our neighborhood's character & safety?

Living Asheville Comprehensive Plan

“Preserve the rural character throughout most of East Asheville.”

“Asheville should participate in or lead regional efforts to protect the region’s landscapes, hillsides, waterways, sensitive habitats and agricultural lands”


CLICK to see the City’s Plan for our neighborhood…this development is NOT in keeping with this plan!

Well-planned and Livable Community.
A Council Vision: 2036 Focus Area

Asheville promotes community through thoughtful, resident-led planning that results in pedestrian oriented development for all ages and abilities throughout the City, harmonized with an integrated transportation system. Asheville’s unique character is reflected in our regional planning, land use, preserved in our historic structures, and honored when incorporated in new development. Thoroughfares are lined with thriving businesses mixed with residential and commercial uses. Neighborhoods are safe, socioeconomically diverse, and have a range of affordable housing choices. Open spaces, parks, greenways, community gardens, and edible landscapes are abundant throughout the city.


CLICK to see how this plan is NOT part of the VISION.